Last week was wonderful. My Mom came in town on Wednesday night to spend the weekend with us. She got to see the bean's cute little room and all the sweet little dresses we have bought for much fun! She also got to come to the doc with us on Thursday and meet Dr. Young for the first time.
The appointment went very well. I am still on the high end of normal weight gain at 18 lbs, but Dr. Young is happy with that since I was fairly thin to start with. My BP and and that jazz were great. The bean's little heart rate was perfect too- so much fun to hear. :) We asked the doc about the need to test me for whatever toxin cats can sometimes carry (our vet suggested it), but he felt confident that since they are inside cats, I should be fine (unless I wanted another needle- no thanks!). Also asked him about my little heart murmur. I have always had it, but I notice the skipped and double beats more now that I am pregnant- he said that is totally normal. In fact, some women who have never had that issue develop it during pregnancy and it's nothing to worry about. Oh, and apparently I am "now at the stage where we have to measure my tummy with measuring tape." So that's interesting. The doc said it's to check the bean's growth, and so far, she is growing like crazy!
We went to an early birthday dinner for Meg on Saturday night and she got to feel the bean kick for the first time! She was so so makes it so real when you actually feel it. MC also got to feel her kick the other night at the apartment. She said it felt like little tiny feet- to me, they feel HUGE!
I am still feeling remarkably good. Not too achy or exhausted, which I thought I might be by 25 weeks. Mom and I walked all over creation while she was here and it felt great! I do want to work out more, though. I walk a ton, but I need to get back in the gym and yoga and do some light weights and day I'll get around to it....haha.
Also got everything squared away at work as far as maternity leave goes. The policy here is not the best, but my bosses are great and working with me to maximize my time at home with the bean. I'll be totally off in July and August on short term disability (we only get a week of paid official maternity leave...insane). And then I'll be working PT from home in September and October. I plan on working three days/wk and taking two days of vacation/sick time over those 8 weeks. So, overall, not too bad, even though part of it is only partial's worth it to be home while she is tiny. After that, Eddie and I are going to look for someone to take care of her at home...we really don't want her in daycare that young, but we'll see how it all works out.
Our next appt is 4/14 and, after that, we start going every 3 weeks instead of 4. Getting closer!!