Wednesday, April 20, 2011

i am a human pin cushion

I had the joyous pleasure of going through a 3 hour glucose tolerance test yesterday...ugh. Thank goodness Aunt PH was there with me to do crosswords on her iPad and help me not puke.

I arrived at the lab at 9 AM and they drew the first batch of blood. Then, I had to drink the most awful drink- like flat sprite, but thick- in under 5 minutes. Then at 10, 11 and 12 I had to have more blood drawn. I have tiny little non-existent veins, so needless to say I had lots of extra pokes beyond the 4 they had to do. It was not at all fun.

I had to do the 3 hour test since there is a history of diabities in my family (thanks Papa!), otherwise it would have just been a one shot draw of blood and I would have been done. Oh well...such is life.

We should have the results back on Thursday and, for the next few weeks, I will be in long sleeves to avoid the "she must be a pregnant heroin addict" stares...hahah. Won't be too hard since it's still cold in NYC...blahhh.

Otherwise, I am doing really well. The bean has positioned her foot in my right rib most all the time now, which is not so comfy, especially when I'm sitting. I feel good otherwise, though. :)

It's hard to believe I am 30 weeks tomorrow. I have a feeling this little soccer player is going to come a bit early, so I am starting to feel the crunch to get things in order before her arrival, which could be less than 2 months away! Eddie and I have a huge list that we have to get going on, so our weekends the rest of April are nice and full before we travel to Jax and MD in May. Should help time go by faster at least.

It's been so nice having D in town. She always makes me smile and laugh- I cannot wait until we live in the same city again one WILL happen.  I don't know when, but it will...

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