Sometimes work just has to wait. And one of those times is now, when my 33 week tummy is bouncing every few seconds with a hiccup. It just might be the cutest thing ever...and it makes her that much more...real? That much more human. I mean, I know she is real...and human, but when i see the actual outline of a foot, or feel a hiccup, it makes her being here feel so close- I really cannot wait! She is over 4 lbs now and about the size of a pineapple...unreal.
Eddie and I went to Jax this past weekend for Jul and G's engagement party, a baby shower for me AND mine and Eddie's two year wedding anniversary. It was such an amazing time and absolutely perfect weather. We spent a lot of time at the beach and pool- the Bean got to go for her first swim and it felt great. Here is a pic of my beach belly at 32 weeks. You can really see the line in this one!
The baby shower was so much fun and we got lots of cute stuff for the Bean. She is going to be one stylish little girl. There was so much great vegan food, even vegan cupcakes- who knew they made those in Jax...I was impressed (thanks to all who came!).
The plane ride home was really tough...siting straight up is when her foot in my rib hurts the most. I was glad that will be my last flight while I'm pregnant...we're really in the home stretch now.
Jul and Greg get to NYC today and are coming with us to MD on Saturday for another baby shower- I'm so excited! Can't wait to see Tracy and her belly fun that we are having babies just a couple of months apart.
Our next doc appt is on 5/17. During our last appt he told us that after 36 weeks, the baby can come anytime. I am 36 wks on June 2- could she really be here that soon?! Wow...we have a lot left to do. I still think she is going to come in mid-June, but we shall see. I hope June16, but had a dream it was June 18 and Eddie thinks June 20. I wonder when she will decide it's time...hmmmm.
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