Details on skills and availability: Many projects will require multiple trips to the hardware store. There will definitely be several unneeded holes in the wall. Timing expectations are 3-4 months from original request - longer during playoff season. All projects will need to judged before, during and after process. Disclaimers: Shelfs installed will likely not hold anything over 2 lbs, who really uses a level, nothing is forever in life, not available for next 18 years, all houses need some character, all work will be done with care and love.
Hooray for the pictures... helps me endure the separation:) I love the Montauk T shirt one- she looks like my Daddy there! Sleeping she looks like Eddie B... smiling she looks like Autumn! But all in all, she looks like her little self- and such a sweetness shines from her eyes. Keep posting- she's changing so fast!!