Matilda has done so well the last (almost) three weeks and Eddie and I are getting used to less sleep and lots of diapers!
Since we left the hospital 2 weeks ago we have had lots of visits to doctors for the new little Berrang girl. First, two days after we left the hospital, we had to take Mattie in to be checked for jaundice. She was borderline when we went home, so we needed to be sure she wasn't having any issues. It was July 4 weekend, so the doc at the hospital said we'd likely have to take her to the ER to be checked, but we were so excited when our new pediatrician offered to come in on a Sunday of a holiday weekend to check her. So we took her out when she was 5 days old, in a thunderstorm, to be checked for jaundice...she was totally fine of course. :)
Then, on her one week birthday, we had her first newborn visit. They weighed her and were amazed that she had already gained 6.5 oz. Most babies lose a bit of weight after birth, but not our little porker! She was 7 lb. 12.5 oz one week after birth.
During this doctors visit we also asked about the bump above Mattie's right eye. It was there when she was born and we weren't sure if she bumped it or if it was an issue. The doctor said it is a dermoid cyst and not anything to worry about. She referred us to a dermatologist to confirm her suspicion and decide on what should be done for it.
So, at two weeks old, we took Mattie to the dermatologist. He was really great- confirmed it is a cyst and told us the three possibilities: the cyst will go away on it's own, as she grows, it will be so small that nothing will need to be done, or it will need to be removed when she is a bit older. He assured us that it's very common and nothing to be concerned about, which made us feel much better! So we're just waiting to see how things pan out with that. He did recommend that we take her to a pediatric eye doc to be sure it's not impeding her vision at all, so we're going to do that soon.
We are so thrilled that she is happy, healthy and growing like a weed!! We are very lucky and remind ourselves of that every day....
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