Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Blue Bird Movie

Matilda has finally gotten into TV a bit. Well not TV, but one particular movie. She is IN LOVE with Rio...or the "Blue Bird" movie as she tries to say. She has also been skipping her afternoon nap every once in a while. I think she may be slowly moving to one long nap from like 11:30-2:30, we'll see. She is still the happiest baby in the world and eating like a crazy person. We have chosen to keep her totally vegan and now she eats everything we make at home- vegan lasagna and risotto being her favs! She just started gym classes at My Gym and is loving it. She is so aware and when you say "let's get dressed and go to gym" she runs around grabbing clothes so excited.

Here are a few recent pics of her in Daddy's lap watching the Blue Bird Movie, enthralled:

Here are a few more cute ones:

She is still sleeping through the night like a champ...about 8-8 is her routine now (heaven for us on the weekends!). We are so very lucky...maybe she needs a little brother or sister sometime soon, hmmmm. ;)

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