Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to New York!

For the very first time since we moved to Florida in October, Matilda and I journeyed back to her birth place- NYC. Well Montauk then NYC to be exact. It was a whirlwind of a 3 1/2 day trip with tons of travel craziness, but we had such an amazing time...it was all well worth it.

First, we got up on Saturday at 4 AM (Matilda was just as chipper as if it were 8) and went to the airport for our 6 AM flight to NYC. Daddy was already there, so he met us at the airport. Matilda did great on the plane...she didn't sleep at all, but she was a happy little thing, talking and playing with all the people around us.

Once we got to JFK, we met up with Daddy, got our bags (her playpen) and hopped on the train to Montauk. Matilda still did not sleep- the train was just wayyyy too exciting for a nap, so she was tired and a little cranky, but still good overall...as long as we walked her around to visit with everyone, or read her Brown Bear (her current fav).

We made it to Montauk about 1:30 and she went directly to bed for 3 hours...exactly what she needed! We had so much fun with the family that night- hanging out at Abby and Charlie's, then a BBQ at Uncle Chuck's house and playing on the putting green with her cousins. Matilda was in kid heaven!

The next day we went to Uncle Chuck's pool and Daddy took Matilda out on the paddle board on the lake. She had swimmies on so I didn't freak out too much...and she loved it of course. Anything with Daddy is so cool to her right now. 

Later that day was Chas' 7th birthday. Matilda and Maz had a great time. Matilda was the swingset queen- she didn't want to get off the swings, ever!

That evening after the party, we took the 7:30 PM train into the city. Matilda slept a little on the train, but not much. We got to the hotel about 11:30 PM and Mattie was down for the count! She slept like a rock until 8 AM Monday when Daddy had to get up for work. 

While Daddy went to meetings, Matilda and I did a walking tour of the city- so much fun! We started at Terri for breakfast, then went to Madison Square Park to swing and play with sidewalk chalk, then to the new C-Lab office in Union Square, then lunch with Aunt Hooters, Aunt Meg and Uncle Ali at Zen Palate, then Babycakes and Earthmatters  before we met up with Daddy back in Union Square. WHEW! Matilda did manage about an hour nap on the walk downtown, so that was good. 

After our big day in the city, it was time to travel back home...but the Hurricane Isaac travel mess made for an adventurous commute. Our plane was wayyyyy delayed and we didn't get home until almost 3 AM. Matilda did sleep on the plane, so that was good. 

I cannot believe how wonderful she was this whole trip even with all the travel and being so off her normal routine. It was harder on me attitude wise than it was on her...lol! What a little angel...

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