Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Showered with so much love!

Wanted to share some really cute pics from the amazing baby showers and parties that my family and friends in Florida and Maryland threw over the past few weeks. Yes, I wore the same dress to both showers...shhhh. :) Thanks to my boss Trish for the loaner maternity gear!

Here are a few cute ones from the FL shower:

With my goddaughter, Anna Jane

Such a beautiful day in the Florida sun!

Yes, they made me hit a pinata

After FL shower hang out with the girls: Me, Morgan (niece), Wendy (sis) Meg (sis), Mom and Julie (sis)

And here are some fun ones from the MD shower:

Me and my little nieces Nora and Abagail helping open gifts. Their dresses were SO cute!

Julie, Mom and Laura in front of the super cutely decorated fire place.

After MD shower relaxing with the hub

Also here are a few shots of Eddie and me from Jul and G's engagement party in FL:

I had to give a toast, but couldn't drink the champagne :( This one is with lots of FL fun!

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who helped with the showers. They were so much fun and we got so many great gifts for the Bean! Eddie and I could not feel more loved by all our friends and guys are the best!

Childbirth Classes.

Last weekend Eddie and I set out on the adventure of Childbirth Education (dun dun dun). From 1030-5 on Saturday and Sunday we sat in a little room at a pediatrician's office on 26th and 8th and learned how to have a baby- haha.

The first day was a little dry, but lots of information that we needed to know. We did learn that we should go to the hospital at "311" or when the contractions are about 3 min apart, 1 min long and last for 1 hour. It's not like in the movies where your water breaks and you go- in fact, 85% of women have their water break during labor, not before. So lots of laboring is done at home, which I hadn't planned on, but it makes total sense- you are more comfortable there than in the hospital, so it tends to make labor move faster.

The second day was much more interesting and they had us do some positioning for pain relief during labor and massage techniques. Any day that I can get massaged is a good day and Eddie learned some great massage tricks to use during labor. Something to look forward to during that painful time I guess!

We also learned the best time to have an epidural (if I decide I want one) is after 5 cm dilated- that is when it's shown that it no longer slows down labor. I would love to have this baby naturally, but I'm not opposed to an epidural if the pain is just too much or labor drags out for a long time. Maybe I'll have babies like my Mom and she'll be out in an hour and a half- that's what I'm hoping, but I have to plan for the alternative...especially after seeing the birth videos, ouch!

So overall it was a good two days. Eddie was a great sport and made everyone in the class laugh of course. It was just nice to be around other pregnant couples to hear that we are not the only ones who have crazy questions and thoughts...I'm glad we went and I'm glad it's over! It was a long 2 days of sitting...with her foot in my rib, of course! :)

Next doctor's appt is on Wednesday 6/1 and we go every week after that...getting so so close!

Monday, May 23, 2011

forgot to mention...

In my last post I forgot to say that we had the ultrasound tech re-re-re-confirm and....she is still a girl. Hahaha. So, I can stop with the nightmares about redoing the whole room when she comes out and is a boy. Yes, I have had several of those dreams...

Also, she said that this little girl has a full head of hair! I know that usually the hair all falls out that's there when they are born, but I'm excited to see if it's blond or brown to start. :)

Will give an update on our weekend long childbirth class extravaganza was interesting to say the least.

Friday, May 20, 2011

fat baby!

This week was quite interesting on the baby front. We had a doc appt on Tuesday and had our first bit of worry about this little girl. The doctor said that my stomach was not measuring quite big enough based on his handy dandy measuring tape, so he sent us for an ultrasound to check on the Bean's growth. He said the heartbeat was great, so nothing urgent, just wanted to be sure she was still on track size wise.

So, on Thursday, Eddie and I went in for an ultrasound. It had been so long since we had gotten to see the little girl that we were really excited to get a glimpse...even if we were a bit worried about the lack of tummy expansion.

As soon as the ultrasound tech started the scan, so said "ohhh, you have a fat baby!" It was so great, she eased our fears about her being to small right off the bat. She said that this little girl has fat little cheeks, which I was thrilled about- nothing cuter than a chunky little newborn! She also told us that this little girl is quite big for 34 weeks- 5 lbs. 6 oz already, so no worries about her size at all. She said I was just carrying small, which I won't complain about one bit.

These were some of the great shots we got of the Bean this visit. It is really hard to see her at this point since there is no room in there, so everything we could see is in 3D. The first shot is of her little fat squished face...I think she has my nose and Eddie's lips :) She also has her hands right by her face like she always does. She was opening and closing her eyes and mouth as well, which was so cool to see!

The next cute one we got was of her feet all curled up. The tech reiterated how big and strong her feet are. I told her I know them well and can feel them in my ribs every day!

The next two of her feet you can see that she has the signature long second toe- so prevalent on my side of the family. The first shot is from the top/side and the second shot is the bottom of her foot. In both you can tell that her second toe is just a tad bigger than the big toe. So cute...

So, all in all a great week 34. A little scary for a couple of days not knowing about her size, but once I heard the words FAT BABY I felt way better...

We have childbirth classes all weekend this weekend, so we'll update you on those soon...I have a feeling Eddie will be the class clown- no idea why I'd think that. ;)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

little hiccups

Sometimes work just has to wait. And one of those times is now, when my 33 week tummy is bouncing every few seconds with a hiccup. It just might be the cutest thing ever...and it makes her that much more...real? That much more human. I mean, I know she is real...and human, but when i see the actual outline of a foot, or feel a hiccup, it makes her being here feel so close- I really cannot wait! She is over 4 lbs now and about the size of a pineapple...unreal.

Eddie and I went to Jax this past weekend for Jul and G's engagement party, a baby shower for me AND mine and Eddie's two year wedding anniversary. It was such an amazing time and absolutely perfect weather. We spent a lot of time at the beach and pool- the Bean got to go for her first swim and it felt great. Here is a pic of my beach belly at 32 weeks. You can really see the line in this one!

The baby shower was so much fun and we got lots of cute stuff for the Bean. She is going to be one stylish little girl. There was so much great vegan food, even vegan cupcakes- who knew they made those in Jax...I was impressed (thanks to all who came!).

The plane ride home was really tough...siting straight up is when her foot in my rib hurts the most. I was glad that will be my last flight while I'm pregnant...we're really in the home stretch now.

Jul and Greg get to NYC today and are coming with us to MD on Saturday for another baby shower- I'm so excited! Can't wait to see Tracy and her belly fun that we are having babies just a couple of months apart.

Our next doc appt is on 5/17. During our last appt he told us that after 36 weeks, the baby can come anytime. I am 36 wks on June 2- could she really be here that soon?! Wow...we have a lot left to do. I still think she is going to come in mid-June, but we shall see. I hope June16, but had a dream it was June 18 and Eddie thinks June 20. I wonder when she will decide it's time...hmmmm.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

no relief for my ribs

This little girl is going to be a soccer player. She constantly kicks me in my right incessantly, all day everyday. Makes it a bit hard to sit at work all day. I find myself standing up and walking around just to have a few minutes pain free.

Eddie and I went to the doc today and got more good news- my glucose test was totally normal. Also, the growth looks great per my tummy measurement and my weight is still right on track- though 150 is inching toward me quickly and it is freaking me out a bit! :)

We also got some not so awesome news- there is nothing that can be done for the sharp pain in my right rib- "other than delivering the baby." Hahah. So, I will be mushing on her little foot for the next 6 weeks or so to try to get a fleeting moment of relief...

The doctor said that after my 36 week visit, she can come at any time. I'm almost 32 weeks now...that is feeling REALLY close. Eddie and I could not be more excited...just can't wait to meet this little nameless girl. :) We now start going every 2 weeks to the doc, so next visit is 5/17. Getting close!!