Sunday, April 21, 2013

"Me Kiss Sister"

I'm the world's worst blogger I've decided, but hey, I've been INSANELY busy! The big news (that I'm sure all of you know by now) is that Baby Berrang number 2 is on her way! That's right, we already know it's another little girl since it's been so long since I posted She's due August 10 and we could not be more thrilled.

I think Matilda is the most excited of all of us. She comes up to me randomly and says "me kiss sister," which means she wants to kiss my belly...cutest thing ever.

Matilda's second birthday is coming up too...I cannot believe it. She is growing up so fast and really is such an angel. She starts school in the fall at a Montessori place right near us. She's been doing Mommy and Me classes there with FaFa for months now and she loves it!

Now we start the Great Name Debate again. Eddie and I are not on the same page at all with names right now, so this could be another delivery room decision...hahah

Here are some of the latest and greatest of Matilda Rae:

She loved this chair. :)

Thought it was so funny to eat with the big (pretend) fork!

Getting a Tooth and Not Happy About it

My Four Month Baby Bump at Todd & Cara's Wedding 

Best Big the Beach in Feb :)

Loves Making Pizza With Daddy

So Much Attitude 

Daddy's Girl

At the Big Table!

Not Thrilled